This is a small glimpse into my world outside of work - the little things that make me happy.
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Me racing the Steeplechase circa 2004
I started running in middle school as a means to get in shape for basketball season, but life had bigger plans. Sophomore through senior year, I was consistently one of the top runners in the Northeast. I went on to compete in cross country, indoor and outdoor track at Brown University. After college, I ran the 2011 LA Marathon and 2012 Boston Marathon. These days, I still like to get a good jog in a few times a week - especially in the fall when it smells like cross country season.
The Muppets
If I could choose one person, past or present, to have a beer and a conversation with, it would be Jim Henson. To me, his creations - highly complex projects producing the simplest, purest entertainment - are brilliant. They're filled with wonderful life lessons that we can too often overlook in our day-to-day, and tons of laughs. In 2013, thanks to a colleague who learned about my Muppet fanaticism, I was able to get a private tour of the Jim Henson lot and play with all the puppet technology. It was an all-time favorite moment in my life, and I'm very grateful for that experience.
I could play this incredible sport every day. It’s an endeavor that requires patience and humility that is still just plain old fun. It’s fiercely competitive yet wonderfully social. I love being outside, standing over the ball, soaking in the course scenery, analyzing the layout in front of me, and deciding how to attack each shot.
James Taylor
James Taylor, an influence of my mother's growing up, is my favorite artist. I've seen him live about 20 times including at Fenway Park and The Hollywood Bowl. My favorite concert was his One Man Band show in 2007. I took my mother for her birthday and we sat in the front row. I enjoy how simple a sound he creates on the guitar with such a complex finger picking style. Maybe that's why I listen to his music when life feels most complicated. Afterwards, I always seem to figure it out.
My dad taught me to snowboard when I was in middle school. I never got into the X Games style of boarding - I like my bones intact. I prefer traversing long trails, bowls, and glades taking in nature and the fresh, cold air on my way down the mountain. My favorite mountain is Sun Valley, Idaho where I'm lucky to have good friends who live there to visit.
More specifically, great storytelling on film - and I still love the experience of going to the movies. I try to see every Oscar nominated film in the top categories each year before the Oscars, and as many from the other categories as I can after. While great writing is often what pulls me in the most, it's still breathtaking when all of it - writing, directing, cinematography, sound, acting, etc - works flawlessly together. That's what makes a great film - all the parts working together.
Right now, I'm working on a project to watch the AFI 100 list in order, even the 32 I had already seen.
Favorite Movie: Forrest Gump
Favorite Show: The West Wing
Favorite Writer: Aaron Sorkin
What I'm Reading
More often than not, I'm reading non-fiction. There's just too much stuff I want to learn and know about.
I recently started a project where I'm reading one biography on every American President in order. I recently finished Washington, A Life by Ron Chernow and am now reading, John Adams by David McCullough.
I also read The New York Times Sunday edition every week and too many blogs, mostly on venture capital, startups and technology.
Emily, Maddie & Doug
The person and pets who make home the best place on Earth, keep me grounded, humbled, and in love every day.